This week, we have reviewed Senge’s five disciplines of a learning organization. For this assignment, you will create a Powerpoint presentation, evaluating your organization using Senge’s disciplines.

This week, we have reviewed Senge’s five disciplines of a learning organization. For this assignment, you will create a Powerpoint presentation, evaluating your organization using Senge’s disciplines. 


• First, explore whether your organization is a learning organization. 

o Discuss your findings, evaluating both strengths and weaknesses. If relevant, you can use the past six weeks of analysis that you have performed on your organization as evidence to support your judgment. 

• Analyze each of the five disciplines. 

o In your analysis, tell your audience how your evidence (behavior of your organization) supports your claims. You must support your position, going beyond simply providing an example.

 • Discuss the challenges that your organization would face moving to a learning organization.

 o Use three of Senge’s eight strategies that would help your organization to transform into a learning organization.

 o Explain why you selected these three strategies over the others. 

o In your analysis, discuss specifically how these strategies would help your company. 

Requirements: • Develop a PowerPoint with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. 

• The PowerPoint should be in APA format and include the following elements: 

 o A title on each slide. o Use of bullet points. Add any details to the notes section of each slide.

 o Graphics are optional; if you choose to use graphics, ensure that each is relevant.