Case Study 1 Discussion 1 Please read the following journal article: For Safety’s Sake: A Case Study of School Security Efforts and Their Impact on Education Reform Provide a brief summary of the ar

Case Study 1

Discussion 1 Please read the following journal article:

For Safety’s Sake: A Case Study of School Security Efforts and Their Impact on Education Reform

Provide a brief summary of the article and discuss some of the most important points you learned from this reading.

NOTE: My first year out of undergraduate I taught in a brand new Jr. High in a very affluent neighborhood (2 years)

Then I went back for a year to earn my Master’s (ROLL TIDE). 

Next position was in a rundown Jr. High that served primarily low income families.

Key Point: Two very different cultures which had to be dealt with differently!

Case study responses should be a minimum length of 1 page (single-spaced, 1” margins, Times New Roman size 12 font – please include references).

Case Study 2

Conducting your own research on the sandy hook elementary active shooter incident, provide a summary of the event and discuss some of the response actions taken. In conclusion, please provide your recommendations for schools to prevent, prepare, respond, and recover from such incidents. Your supplemental readings may assist with your recommendations.

Case study responses should be a minimum length of 1 page (single-spaced, 1” margins, Times New Roman size 12 font – please include references).

Discussion Questions (100 words per question)

What actions have you, or your educational institution, taken to promote a safer school environment?

What safety/security measures have you, or your educational institution, implemented for after-school activities?

What measures do you think need to be in place for after school/extra curricular activities.?