This step will help make sure your know how to reference your articles. It is also the first step in reading the articles, ensuring they are scholarly, and summarizing how the article may be useful t

This step will help make sure your know how to reference your articles.  It is also the first step in reading the articles, ensuring they are scholarly, and summarizing how the article may be useful to your topic.

Write an Annotated Bibliography in APA format for the 4 articles you will use for your research paper. 

Include your topic either in the comment section of Canvas or at the top of the references page.

Read through the articles you have chosen for your research paper.

Follow the directions and read the example:

For each article:

  • 1) reference each article as in an APA Reference page
  • 2) under each reference: write a brief rhetorical critical analysis of the article in paragraph format, proving that the article is scholarly using specific details from the article
  • 3) under the rhetorical analysis paragraph, write a well-developed summary of the overall points you will use from the article. Do not use the words of the author.  This is a summary in your own words.
  • CHECK THE RUBRIC for grading
  • include your working thesis (topic and point you will prove) somewhere