Vicki Arroyo (Georgetown Climate Center) uses environmental law and her background in biology and ecology to help prepare for global climate change. to

Vicki Arroyo (Georgetown Climate Center) uses environmental law and her background in biology and ecology to help prepare for global climate change. to an external site.


*Define mitigation, adaptation, and risk. How do we apply these terms to climate change?

*Here in central Maryland, what do you think is in store in terms of a “new climate”? Use what you know about the world’s climate and our own local climate, and the things that you’ve experienced growing up here. Notice any changes over the past 15-20 years?

*Be creative – think of one thing that our Howard County local government could to do help us adapt to a changing climate.

TED TALK RESPONSE LENGTH:Keep in mind that each of these written responses to the TED talks we watch is worth 50 points.  300-500 words. Citations are required whenever you use others’ ideas/data.