Chapter 2 Reflections Taking the time to examine some of the concepts in this chapter is something you could do with your professional learning community. It may prompt discussion and reflection on cl

Chapter 2 Reflections

Taking the time to examine some of the concepts in this chapter is something you could do with your professional learning community. It may prompt discussion and reflection on classroom climate and why it is so crucial to learning.

1.       How would you describe your classroom climate? What does it look like, sound like, feel like?

2.       What goals can you set for improving climate as a team and as an individual?

3.       How do you encourage team building throughout the year?

4.       What do you do to create a classroom atmosphere in which students can take intellectual risks?

5.       How do you create intellectual safety and prohibit ridicule, put-downs, and other negative responses in your classroom?

6.       How much wait time do you allow for thinking and answering questions?

7.       What steps will you take to create an inclusive atmosphere in which students feel safe and included?

8.       How can you foster relaxed alertness?

9.       How can you create flow?