Your book contains many pictures of worship spaces (scattered throughout pages 123-154). Choose the one that you like best and in a minimum of 500 words explain why you chose it. • Or choose the one y

Your book contains many pictures of worship spaces (scattered throughout pages

123-154). Choose the one that you like best and in a minimum of 500 words explain why you chose it.

• Or choose the one you like least and explain why.



READ THE INSTRUCTOR’S ANNOUNCEMENT which lists all the worship spaces found on pages 123-154 in your textbook.

Liking and disliking something requires feelings. Therefore you will need to imagine yourself within the space you select (no field trips, sorry). Picture yourself entering the space and walking through it. What feelings do you get, are they positive or negative feelings?

Try to pin-point what it is about the space that gives you either the positive or negative feeling. When discussing architecture try to use design vocabulary like, line, shapes, colors, volume (height and width), mass, balance, repetition, and light/shadow as starting points. These concepts are defined on page xxvi in the Starter Kit section of your textbook. Also, architecture in general is further explained on page xxx in the Starter Kit.

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