1.) https://legiscan.com/TX/text/HB2929/2021 Please discuss the proposed bill before the Texas Legislature. Decide whether it benefits providers and consumers. Please discuss the bill by resolution na

1.) https://legiscan.com/TX/text/HB2929/2021

Please discuss the proposed bill before the Texas Legislature. Decide whether it benefits providers and consumers. Please discuss the bill by resolution name and number. At the conclusion of your discussion, please decide the potential impact that the bill may have on the healthcare industry or on healthcare consumers.

2.) How would you describe “quality” in healthcare? How do you personally measure quality in your healthcare experiences?

3.) If you could design the future healthcare system for the United States, what changes would you make?

4.) Think about your current employer. Or, if you are currently unemployed, think of a company that you know a little about. List at least two strengths, two weaknesses, two opportunities, and two threats.

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