Pharm m2



Choose a medication type from the following list, note why the medication is used, and consider adverse effects. Invent a scenario where giving this medication could result in an ethical or legally charged situation. Try not to choose a category that has been well addressed by your peers.

  1. Bethanaechol / cholinergics: Consider risks of inducing urgency or bradycardia in a clients with dementia issues
  2. Benztropine /anticholinergics: Consider harms that can occur with comorbidities like glaucoma or BPH
  3. Albuterol /adrenergics: Consider harms that can occur is asthmatic children are in charge of their own inhalers
  4. Atenolol/ beta blockers: Consider harms that could occur if heart rate was low or patient was asthmatic
  5. Lorazepam /benzodiazepines: Consider vulnerability issues related to sedation and induction of memory loss
  6. Oxycodone / opiates: Consider addiction, drug seeking and patient vulnerability in impaired nurses
  7. Amitriptylline /tricyclics: Consider vulnerability issues with risk of suicidal overdose given anticholinergic effects
  8. Phenelzine /MAOIs: Consider consequences of nonadherence to dietary restrictions on these medication