A .Domestic violence in rural area/urban area.
- PFA vs PFH
- Nonviolence and Violence
- Control group vs intervention group
- Weapon relinquish
Write half a page response paper connecting the topic above to incarceration.
B .Substance Abuse Disorder
Problematic PATTERN leading to impairments in daily life.
- Experimental/Social Use
- Misuse/abuse
- Substance Use disorder/addiction
Harm Reduction- Reduces risk of injury. Reducing harmful effects of drugs
CCAR Training- Focusing on providing individuals with the skills need to guide, mentor and support anyone who would like to enter into or sustain long-term recovery from an addiction to alcohol or other drugs.
Drug Court- provide access to treatment for substance-abusing offenders while minimizing the use of incarceration.
- Drug court process
Write half a page response paper connecting the topic above to incarceration.
- Specific Overview Breakdown: Juvenile and Death Penalty (Write 4pages)
(Part 1) Present a summary of the reading (Please the file attached for the reading)
- describe main proposition(s)
- highlight the main points to be discussed in Part 2
(Part 2) Relate some aspect(s) of the reading to other course material(s)
- choose three concepts from the rest of the course to apply to the reading.
Three Concepts:
- Death penalty: deterrence (Connect to the case: Atkins v. Virginia)
- Retribution (Connect to the case: Leslie Van Houten)
- Punishment VS Rehabilitation
- Conclusion