208 WK8 DISC


  • Review the Learning Resources and Course Announcement.
  • Access the Learning Objectives document from this week’s Learning Resources and choose one learning objective from the list for this Discussion.
  • Locate the verb in the learning objective you chose and consider how to rewrite it meet a higher level of critical thinking of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
  • For this Discussion, you should cite the sources you use to support your revision and explanation. However, APA formatting of those citations will not be assessed as part of your Discussion grade.


Write a 300- to 500-word initial post that is organized into multiple paragraphs, in which you:

  • Present the original learning objective and identify the existing level of critical thinking based on Bloom’s Taxonomy.
  • Rewrite or create a new learning objective to meet a higher level of critical thinking based on Bloom’s Taxonomy.
  • Explain how the new objective better captures the goal for student learning.
  • Explain the changes that might occur within teaching to meet this objective.
  • Support your post with specific references to the Learning Resources.



Required Resources: Learning Objectives and Bloom’s Taxonomy