watched the documentary, When Kids Get Life, read the two opposing viewpoint articles on whether or not the juvenile system is too harsh or too lenient. What are your thoughts on the two opposing vie

watched the documentary, When Kids Get Life, read the two opposing viewpoint articles on whether or not the juvenile system is too harsh or too lenient. 

What are your thoughts on the two opposing viewpoints? Provide thorough explanations to the following questions.  (1) Which viewpoint do you most agree with, and why? (2) Also, explain why you do not agree with the counter viewpoint. Support your answers with course material! You must also discuss relevant material from When Kids Get Life. (3) Of the juveniles featured in the documentary, which do you think most deserved a different disposition/sentence? Explain why you think this and what disposition/sentence you think would have been more appropriate.

Please answer all questions posed in the assignment in your initial thread (minimum 300 words)