Homework Content There’s no way to prevent all accidents from happening. However, an adverse event can have catastrophic consequences and certainly creates risk for the organization involved in the ad

Homework Content

There’s no way to prevent all accidents from happening. However, an adverse event can have catastrophic consequences and certainly creates risk for the organization involved in the adverse event. 

In this assignment, your collaborative group will focus on risk management using a real accident. Your group will discuss factors that led to this accident and how action could have been taken to manage the risks in this situation.

  1. Preparation

Read the accident report detail for “Accident: 837914 – Four Nursing Home Patients Died From Inhaling Nitrogen Gas” from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)  [https://www.osha.gov/ords/imis/accidentsearch.accident_detail?id=837914] to prepare for your group deliverable.

  1. Deliverable

As a group, create a table in which you:

  • Identify and compare at least 3 risk- and quality-management tools to address the accident detailed in the report your group reviewed. These tools would be used to analyze and learn from the accident.
  • Indicate how this accident could have been prevented or how to prevent future similar accidents.
  • Recommend and justify the prevention method you’d suggest as the best fit for the accident report in this assignment.

This table would be provided to your organization’s leadership team as a response to the OSHA report.

Cite any sources and format citations and references according to APA guidelines.

Submit your group’s assignment.