FORD 5 HISTORY 1. During the course of the semester, you learned the secrets of success for JD Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie and JP Morgan. Why do you think Henry Ford became a successful entrepren


1. During the course of the semester, you learned the secrets  of success for JD Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie and JP Morgan. Why do you think Henry Ford became  a successful entrepreneur.   What do you think might have been Henry Ford’s secret to success? 

2. Henry Ford is considered as one of the men who built America.  Do you agree or disagree with this statement.  Please explain your response.  Cite a source in APA format to support your response.

3.  Do you believe Henry Ford is similar or different  from JD Rockefeller and JP Morgan?  Please explain your response.  Cite a source in APA format to support your response.

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