Pick A Side

Pick a Side – Dehumanized by Technology or Improved?

Is Technology Dehumanizing Society?https://www.huffpost.com/entry/is-technology-dehumanizin_b_7720926

Read the blog posts shared in the link above.

Respond to the following questions in a 2-3 page, APA formatted essay.  Keep in mind that there is no “right or wrong” response, but you should clearly state your stance on one perspective AND back-up your viewpoints with scholarly resources and connections from personal experiences.

  1. Do you believe technology is or is NOT dehumanizing society?  Explain your reasoning for your answer.
  2. Based on your perspective to the first question, clarify the relationship between utilizing technology and communication while providing examples on the positive or negative effect.
  3. Consider how technological applications are utilized within the institutions of your personal life, education, and work environment.  Based on your position to the first question, share how your interactions with others in each of these institutions backs up your stance with specific examples.




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