Annotated Bibliography This assignment must be uploaded to both links in CANVAS as well as to TK20. Failure to do so will result in an incomplete grade for this course. Select a topic that has been

Annotated Bibliography 

This assignment must be uploaded to both links in CANVAS as well as to TK20.  Failure to do so will result in an incomplete grade for this course. 

Select a topic that has been instrumental in impacting and shaping our history and philosophy of our educational system and beliefs. The topic must be approved by the professor. You will be graded on your quality of writing, APA guidelines, and the required components listed below.

See Resources for an example of your APA Annotated Bibliography

Components of the annotated bibliography:

            Title page  

  • Title of paper, Course name and number, Your name, Date, Instructor, William Carey University


  • Overview of the topic
  • Purpose (Why is the topic important to research?)
  • Justification (How can this research be applied in the classroom?)
  • 1-1.5 pages

            3 Articles

  • Scholarly and/or peer reviewed information
  • 1-1.5 pages each
  • Summary of article
  • Reflection/critique

Appearance:  Times New Roman, 12 point font, double space, headers, appropriate headings, organized and neat, insert page break for each additional article, hanging indent references.