Read the introduction to your required text. Write a 2-3 page summary following APA guidelines. Your Turnitin score MUST by 30% or lower. You will not receive a grade for the assignment if you do not meet this guideline. You will be given one opportunity to redo the assignment. Here are the requirements for the summary:
1. title page
2. double-spaced WITHOUT the extra space between paragraphs. (I will count this as an error. Fix it in your line spacing setting.)
3. 12 pt. font size only.
4. Times New Roman or Ariel font only.
5. 1-inch margins top, bottom, right, left.
5. Make sure you cover the major topics that are discussed in the introduction.
Grading is as follows:
1 point deducted for every 3 APA errors
1 point deducted for every spelling/grammar error
2 points deducted for missing content requirements
Once your summary is graded, that is the grade you will keep for it.
The Big Picture Powerpoint
APA Grammar Hanbook
The Big Picture Book