This term, we will be simulating an entire accounting cycle for a service business. In Part 5, you will complete the Requirements listed on the attached “Project Accounting Cycle Simulation Part 5.” M

This term, we will be simulating an entire accounting cycle for a service business. In Part 5, you will complete the Requirements listed on the attached “Project Accounting Cycle Simulation Part 5.” Make sure you continue using the General Journal and T Accounts Templates from Parts 1-4. You should be adding to what was completed during Parts 1-4. This part requires you to complete a statement of cash flows and a template is provided below. You may type directly into the templates, or you may print them out and fill them out by hand. Once you have completed Part 5 of the project, you will turn in the ENTIRE project (Parts 1-5) in the submission box below the Week 7 Module entitled “#PSLO 1, 2, 4 Assessment Artifact-Project: Accounting Cycle Simulation#.

Part 4:

Part 3:

Part 2:

Part 1:

Journal entries:

T accounts:

Trial balance: