PART 1 Analyzing Interpersonal Conflict In this assignment, we will reflect upon how stress can inhibit effective communication. Think of a time that you either experienced or observed stress negative


Analyzing Interpersonal Conflict

In this assignment, we will reflect upon how stress can inhibit effective communication. Think of a time that you either experienced or observed stress negatively impacting an interpersonal encounter and analyze it as follows:

  1. Describe the conflict.
  2. Discuss how stress impacted the way the parties to the conflict communicated and reacted.
  3. Discuss how the tools we learned about this week (naming the problem, reframing, and self-affirmations) might have helped the parties communicate in a more productive way.

Submission Details:

  • Post your response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned.
  • If you reference any ideas from the readings/lectures, make sure you cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.


Conflict Management

As in your Week 5 discussion, in this project you will analyze an interpersonal conflict. For the project, the conflict should be one that you experienced in your personal or professional life. 


  1. Choose a conflict scenario from your personal or professional life that you have not previously analyzed.
  2. Write a paper that analyzes the conflict and develops a plan for managing it. Your paper should address the following:
    • The context of the conflict, including the personalities of the parties involved and the nature of their relationship.
    • What were the underlying causes or issues involved? Which of these issues was the most important for each party?
    • Using the strategies from this week’s reading, come up with an appropriate conflict management plan.
    • Discuss the role of power in the conflict. How might power dynamics impact the conflict? How can these dynamics best be managed?
    • Discuss the impact of gender norms on the conflict. For example, is there a power imbalance attributable to gender norms?
    • Discuss whether there are any cultural differences and/or other social norms that might influence the power dynamics and/or conflict management strategy.

Submission Details:

  • Provide your reflections and analysis in a 2- to 3 page Microsoft Word document.
  • Use the course textbook and lectures as support when referencing conflict management strategies. Cite all sources using APA format.