Four (4) workouts per Unit – Each Units will be two week. The workouts can be spread out over the week or if you go for a jog/walk/workout twice in the same day that will work too. No more than two

  • Four (4) workouts per Unit – Each Units will be two week.  The workouts can be spread out over the week or if you go for a jog/walk/workout twice in the same day that will work too.  No more than two workouts a day though…I don’t need anyone pulling the marathon and trying to do all the workouts in one day to complete the assignment.
  • Most important thing  I just want you to get out there and have some fun and get a little exercise in.
  • Each workout/jog you go for is worth 4 points and then the summary at the end is worth 4 points.  So for the Unit the Exercise Log is worth 20 points.
    • You can use an app to track your workouts, if you would like. At the end of the week, screen-shot your workouts and upload the pictures the same as you would a Word Documents
  • Spreadsheet or Uploads.  You can either use the attached spreadsheet to track your workout or you can upload screenshots of your workouts.  You can use technology!!!  If you have a cell phone or smart device that can track your workouts you can use it to track your walk/jog.  You can use any cellphone App you would like and you may also use anything that will track your workout; like a smart watch or a fitbit device.  Do not use your daily summary of steps or activity…I want to see how your doing during your workout.

Time to turn in your first exercise log or logs when due (check the syllabus or your grade center for date).1. Open the Labs file ( choose log #1) and save it the to your hard drive, desktop, or flash drive:2. When you have completed the assignments, select the  Exercise Log #1)  link above then scroll down and attach the file where it says “Browse my computer” and then click submit. Each “Exercise Log” will be graded using the following Grading Rubric:Score and Criteria 

Score: 10 points      Criteria: Exercise Log demonstrates complete understanding and execution of the assigned record keeping task. The exercise names are clearly stated and placed in the proper section (cardio, strength and flexibility) along with intensity RPE/THR results and time & distance for cardio (sets, reps and resistance levels for strength and flexibility). Comments on how you feel after each workout are original and descriptive. Comments are also error-free, without ambiguity, and reads smoothly, creatively, and with a purpose.Score: 9 points      Criteria: Exercise Log demonstrates considerable understanding and execution of the assigned record keeping task. The exercise names are placed in the proper section (cardio, strength and flexibility) along with intensity RPE/THR results and time & distance for cardio (sets, reps and resistance levels for strength and flexibility). Comments on how you feel after each workout are descriptive. Comments have some ambiguities yet does read clearly and coherently.Score: 7 points       Criteria: Exercise Log demonstrates some understanding and execution of the assigned record keeping task. The exercise names are not clearly stated and placed in the proper section (cardio, strength and flexibility) along with some missing intensity RPE/THR results and time & distance for cardio (sets, reps and resistance levels for strength and flexibility). Comments on how you feel after each workout are not original and descriptive and have some errors and ambiguities.Score: 5 points      Criteria: Exercise Log demonstrates limited understanding and execution of the assigned record keeping task. The exercise names are not clearly stated and placed in the proper section (cardio, strength and flexibility) along with missing intensity RPE/THR results and time & distance for cardio (sets, reps and resistance levels for strength and flexibility). Comments on how you feel after each workout are missing or non-descriptive on how you feel after each workout.