Cultural Awareness Activity, Reading, and Reflection Assignment Requirements: There are several components to this assignment. First, you’ll need to complete the two following activities (attached):

Cultural Awareness Activity, Reading, and Reflection

Assignment Requirements:

There are several components to this assignment.  First, you’ll need to complete the two following activities (attached): 

  • Cultural Awareness ActivityActions (reflecting on your understanding of your OWN culture)
  • Cultural Intelligence ActivityActions
    • Print these out, complete them in writing and then scan to upload in completion of the assignment.  (If you are without scanning abilities at this time, take a pic and upload).
  • You’ll also complete a minimum of one of Harvard Project Implicit bias tests (linked in the module).

Think about the results of your Harvard Project Implicit bias test AND the diverse cultures/ backgrounds to whom you have been exposed in your practicum setting. With a specific culture/background/demographic from your practicum experience in mind, locate one professional article (does not have to be empirical but does need to be research-based and informative in nature) to learn more about how to better understand and effectively interact with this culture/ background/ demographic.

After these four steps have been completed, write a minimum 2-page reflection on the following:  your understanding of your own culture (I am African American); your biases revealed by your Project ImplicitLinks to an external site. test and your own self-reflection; your challenges you perceive/ predict/ experienced in working with diverse families, children, and co-workers (reference your Cultural Intelligence activity),  any growth you noted in your ability to work with a diverse population in your practicum experience.

Include a summary of your article’s findings, and share how the information increased your understanding of this culture/background/demographic in specific ways that may improve your future professional interactions with them.

You will then justify your response to the statement in the CFS Exit Survey you have all completed by this point:  “I feel competent in my ability to demonstrate values, attitudes and behaviors that reflect cultural sensitivity and social responsibility.” (1=strongly disagree; 2= disagree; 3= agree; 4=strongly agree.)  Last, you’ll address your continuing education plan for increasing your understanding of other cultures and diversity.  What can you see yourself doing to increase your understanding and awareness of specific diversity issues?  What resources will you use/ seek out?

Use the following headers:

  • My Culture
  • My Biases
  • My Challenges
  • My Growth
  • My Readings
  • My Competence
  • My Continuing Education Plan

Please note:  You will not be judged as these are read and graded.  This is a safe space for you to be honest with yourself.  We cannot change our biases, and we all have them, until we admit them and recognize them.  So answer honestly.  Do the hard work of really looking at where you are here because we all have room to grow.