Here I attached two videos links. You need to to find these answers and need brief discussion on 3 pag I attached two videos links. You need to to find these answers and need brief discussion on 3 pages. APA format. Describe the set, lighting and costumes?

What type of ballet dance work was it?

• How would you describe the type of the work?

• If an individual dancer emerged more for you during the performance, write

a few sentences about their performanceWas there an important ballet movement pattern that was repeated several times?

• Was ballet movement in unison used?

• Did the dancers make pattern and shapes of interest to you? Why or why


• Did all of the various parts or sections of the dance seem to fit well together?


• Can you make a list of words to describe qualities of movement in the dance work? If you consider the work to consist of different sections, how do the words for one section compare with those for another

• Visualize a particularly exciting or memorable moment from the dance. Can you make a drawing of it? Or elaborate in words how it affected you.

• How different is it from a typical romantic or classical ballet?