Tasks This is all about your thoughts your theories your ideas and your understanding of where the criminal justice system is how laws related to modifications in that process how it’s always evolving


This is all about your thoughts your theories your ideas and your understanding of where the criminal justice system is how laws related to modifications in that process how it’s always evolving and changing. Look at a real-world scenario something that interests you and it could be multiple events I don’t care how you do it, it could be one event or it could be a single incident or it could be multiple events and then just correlate all that information and come up with the report 

AB1706 Legislative Report Links:   https://oag.ca.gov/system/files/media/ab1706-q3-report.pdf

Step 1 – Read the attached Legislative Report on AB1706. Document the reason and purpose of AB1706. 

Step 2 – Detail the laws AB1706 will impact and how will and has that impact been measured and impacted.

Step 3 – What aspects of intervention and prevention have been impacted by the AB and how will this impact all aspects of the California Criminal Justice System?  This may include your thoughts on law enforcement, courts, and corrections.  Also, how may this AB impact the people and communities of California, from both a violator and non-violator prospective?    

AB1706 Legislative Report Links:   https://oag.ca.gov/system/files/media/ab1706-q3-report.pdf

Step 4 – The report should be completed in the APA format and should be approximately 7 to 8 pages.  You should have a title page, an abstract page (brief paragraph detailing what you are writing about), the main body of the report (at least three to four pages), and a reference page.   The document should be double-spaced.  

 Take a look at the attached Assembly Bill which is 1706, which talks about the monitoring and just an update on Assembly Bill 1793, which was based upon the Cannabis correction and modification process of how it is changed in the California criminal justice system. Use those two bills to read look at understand and then incorporate a situation that you have an understanding about or something that is appealing to you. Look  for an example you could look at how has Assembly Bills 1706 and 1793 impacted the incarceration rate in California, whether it has it modified how has it impacted the court system  has it caused an increase in court cases or a decrease in court cases and if so what’s the benefit of either one of those from the law enforcement aspect you could say how legalization of Narcotics specifically related to you know the assembly bills has impacted crime it’s your decision to make that discussion and and your thought process on that