m3 discussion


Watch one of these films and  then discuss anyone of these “dying and death” representations as  presented in movies or plays such as:

  • Bringing Out the Dead
  • Angela’s Ashes
  • Beaches
  • Philadelphia
  • Terms of Endearment
  • Wit
  • Evan Mayday’s Good Death

Address the following questions if pertinent to the film you watched:

  • What were the causes of death?
  • Where did people die?
  • Who cared for the dying?
  • Who was present at the time of death?
  • How did the significant other person respond?
  • How did the community respond?
  • What expectations or beliefs were associated with dying and death?
  • How did people cope with loss?

Envision  yourself as one of the characters in the film, and, according to their  personal or professional (eg. the nurse in: “WIT”) expectations about  death:

  • Dying well
  • Bad death
  • Good death
  • Sad death