
Blueprint for a Healthier America [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 1, 2, 5]

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, examine the Healthy People 2020: An End of Decade SnapshotLinks to an external site. reading and Browse ObjectivesLinks to an external site.. You will find that while Healthy People 2020 achieved many great works, nearly 50% of the 2020 objectives remain for Healthy People 2030.

  • Check the current state of public health prevention efforts and health care in the United States. Do you believe that then-Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump used many of the suggestions?
  • Examine the “less than 50% of trackable objectives improved or met or exceeded” section. What organizations can you identify in your community, county, or state that have programs addressing these issues?
  • Highlight two health programs in your state and a credible source for each that discusses its growth and impact on the community. These credible sources are sometimes referred to as Annual Reports.
  • Check again at the list of “less than 50% of trackable objectives improved or met or exceeded.” Which two would be the most challenging to establish a program? Explain why. Use your personal and professional background and at least one credible source to support your belief.In your discussion,
  • Compare and Contrast U.S. Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump in relation to public health support efforts.
  • How much did each give to public health prevention during their presidential terms? Account for the fact that President Obama had two terms. Refer page 14 and Figure 4-5 in Public Health: What It Is and How It Works.
  • Describe at least one public health program that received support from President Obama and President Trump.
  • Hypothesize why these programs may have been chosen for support over other prevention programs.
  • Highlight two programs in your state addressing the “less than 50% of trackable objectives improved or met or exceeded” from Healthy People 2020.
  • Explain two “less than 50% of trackable objectives improved or met or exceeded” programs that you believe would be the most challenging to implement in your state and why.