Article Review This assignment is meant to support a later research paper where the topic will be, “The impact of COVID-19 on the American Classroom.” Assignment Instructions Locate, read, and r

 Article Review

This assignment is meant to support a later research paper where the topic will be, “The impact of COVID-19 on the American Classroom.”

Assignment Instructions

Locate, read, and review the following peer-reviewed journal article :

Annotate – annotate – annotate. As you read through the article – do not read just to cover the information below. What sticks out? What do you wish to know more about? What are the conclusions and implications? Who is the author(s) citing in their work? This will help you when it is time to begin synthesizing this information within your literature review. I recommend choosing articles that highlight different forms of research – both quantitative and qualitative. You can always alternate throughout the semester. Oftentimes, quantitative research reports, whereas qualitative research paints a picture. All of these journal article submissions can be included in your final research paper.  

The article summary should be at least three paragraphs in length, if not more, in order to include all of the above information.