The case for the final exam is “Tesla Inc.” (Ivey Publishing production ID: MH0077, published on April 6, 2023). The easiest way to find the case is to type in the Publication code MH0077 in the “Sear

I have posted the book and the required material below.The case for the final exam is “Tesla Inc.” (Ivey Publishing production ID: MH0077, publishedon April 6, 2023). The easiest way to find the case is to type in the Publication code MH0077 inthe “Search” box at Note that you might have to register anaccount and then, of course, pay for the selected case. You will then be able to download thecase right away. Feel free to Google search for additional information about the company and theindustry (e.g., engineering services outsourcing market), as well as anything you want to knowabout related countries/regions. Remember though that you will need to cite sources ofinformation at the end of your case report, in a separate page (any reasonable format such asAPA format is good for reference), for anything other than those mentioned in the assigned examcase. You may use any proper format of reference such as APA style, including a web accesslink if necessary. No citations are needed for information from the case and the textbook,obviously, and you don’t have to create in-text references.InstructionsWe have included a total of thirteen chapters from the textbook in this course, some coveringmore learning points than others. For the final exam, I would like you to identify SIX keylearning points and apply them to the analysis of Tesla case regarding the company’sinternational operations. These learning points should reflect a reasonable balance acrosschapters, spanning a minimum of three chapters. For each learning point, you need to identifyit clearly with a short phrase (see examples below), and indicate which chapter it comes from.Once you identify the six learning points and evaluate Tesla from these perspectives, you willthen diagnose the company and provide recommendations for Tesla with regard to its furtherinternational expansion.Your report should be limited to 2-3 pages, single-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font,one inch (2.54cm) margin on all sides. Any text beyond the third page (other than coverpage, tables, figures and references, if you choose to have any) will not be graded. Please includeyour student ID in your file name. Late penalty will be applied as indicated in the coursesyllabus.To help you better structure your analysis report, I have listed the following threemain sections that you need to include in the report. You will need to clearly titleeach section and provide required components for each section.1. Learning points and evaluation of Tesla. In this section, you will identify a total of sixlearning points for the evaluation of Tesla. For each learning point, you need to label itclearly (with a number and chapter info) and then use 1-2 short sentences to explain whatit refers to (e.g., entry mode means….). Then, you will evaluate Tesla and describe itsstatus and practice in that particular area (e.g., approach to local norms and regulations,location advantages, global HR management, etc.). Please be descriptive, and do notmake any recommendations here.2. Business situation and challenges. In this section, you are expected to summarize theinternationalization process of the company and diagnose its global competition. Thefollowing questions can guide you in terms of what to cover, but keep in mind that youare NOT answering questions one by one here. Please make sure you don’t repeat whatyou have in the first section, though slight overlap is acceptable.Who are the main competitors? How well is this company doing relative to these maincompetitors? How successful the company has been in internationalization? How has the firmcome to this stage of success in globalization (e.g., any good strategies, particular region focus,choice of entry modes, etc.)? Any significant issues/concerns or challenges do you see facing thecompany now?3. Recommendations for expansion. Based on your earlier summary and analysis in theprevious two sections, please develop a number of recommendations for the company asto what actions they need to engage in order to become more competitive (e.g., profitsgrowth, market growth or reduction of business risk) in the global market. Therecommended actions should be as specific and clear as possible, not to propose broadrecommendations such as going to more countries. They should also be clearly focusedon global growth and international management, not to be limited to a particular country.Please ensure you organize your arguments and points well in each section, with separateparagraphs if that helps, so as to make it easier for the grader to track your thoughts. Please notethat the level of logical flow in analysis, the strength of your arguments, and the clarity ofwriting are critical to your performance. You won’t get a high mark if various points aremuddled together.I’ve provided some examples of learning points below, but this is definitely not a list that youhave to choose from, neither is it exhaustive. You can find many great learning points from yourown perspective, or simply go through the learning objectives of each chapter. Some of themmay be more relevant to the assigned case than others.value chain, host country cultural/norm environment, firm internal resources and capabilities, comparativenational competitive advantage, location advantages, entry modes, strategic alliance, multinationalstrategy, multinational organizational structure, international HR management.Link for the book and the case: