For us to have a conversation about what grade I should submit to the school, you must begin the conversation by submitting an assessment of yourself, your process, and your progress this semester and

For us to have a conversation about what grade I should submit to the school, you must begin the conversation by submitting an assessment of yourself, your process, and your progress this semester and how the course relates to this growth. To complete your assessment, please respond to each of the following prompts in a paragraph or so: 


  1. Think holistically about yourself as a student, an artist, a citizen, and a human being, and describe each of the following:
    1. One way in which you have grown over the course of the semester as a student, an artist, or a human. (use the example of how i have become way more attentive in class, because it is carefree and non topic leading)
    2. One idea, topic, or question that you have thought deeply about during the semester. ( use the question “what defines a human?”)
    3. One idea, concept, or argument about which you have new, growing, or expanded questions or on which you have changed your perspective. (use the idea of writers/authors not getting paid from majority of their book sales)
  2. Choosing the response from question 2 in the previous description, describe how this course has contributed to your growth, thought processes, questions, or change of perspective.
    1. Think holistically as to how the class contributed. These contributions can take many forms:
      1. The work you did in/for the class.
      2. Discussions of course materials and questions outside of the class.
      3. Reading, research, or work related to the course.
      4. The activities and tasks undertaken with the freedom the course provides.
  3. Describe how the responses from 1 and 2 will help you moving forward as a student, artist, and citizen.
  4. Describe what you would do differently if given the opportunity to take this course again. (explain that i would participate more because the class isn’t as intimidating as i thought it’d be)
  5. Lastly, based on everything provided in 1-4, tell me what grade you would submit for yourself and why (i’m asking for a B-)