SLP/BUS520 Module 2 BUS520 Business Analytics and Decision Making Hypothesis Testing: T-Tests & Anovas Assignment Overview Two Sample Hypothesis Tests **Complete Module 2 SLP before Module 2 Ca


 Module 2 

BUS520 Business Analytics and Decision Making

Hypothesis Testing: T-Tests & Anovas

Assignment Overview

Two Sample Hypothesis Tests

**Complete Module 2 SLP before Module 2 Case**Comparing two samples provides insights. Are employees with an MBA more productive than those without? If our results support the contention, then hiring more MBAs would be good for business.

Session Long Project 2 ResourcesHypothesis Testing: Two SamplesTwo Sample T-Test Equal VarianceT Test in Excel

SLP Assignment

Writing & Testing Hypotheses

Is job satisfaction in our industry the same for both genders? We will look at Job Satisfaction and Gender for this analysis. First, we write out the hypotheses:

(Null Hypothesis) H0: μ1 – μ2 = 0(Alternate Hypothesis) H1: μ1 – μ2 ≠ 0

H0: Males rate job satisfaction the same as females.H1: Males rate job satisfaction differently than females.

You decide to test this at the α = 0.05 level, using a t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances. Run this test in Excel and interpret the results.

p-VALUE approach (use the wording to reject or fail to reject the Null hypothesis)

Given that the p value (xx) is greater than the alpha (.05), the Null hypothesis cannot be rejected, therefore there is no support for the Alternate Hypothesis that (paste Alternate Hypothesis)


Given that the p value (xx) is less than the alpha (.05), the Null hypothesis is rejected, therefore there is support for the Alternate Hypothesis that (paste Alternate Hypothesis here)

  • Discuss implications for management. Research and find out if there are studies that make connections between the variables you tested.
  • Make industry connections with the research from IBISWorld. Include workplace applications that may be implemented based on the findings.

Repeat the same testing for:

  • Intrinsic Job Satisfaction
  • Extrinsic Job Satisfaction
  • Organizational Commitment

**Please see attached files for complete assignment details  **