This Mid-Course Reflection Paper is a synopsis of your thoughts and comprehension of concepts learned thus far in the course. Your paper should be created using APA format (title page, double spaced,

This Mid-Course Reflection Paper is a synopsis of your thoughts and comprehension of concepts learned thus far in the course. Your paper should be created using APA format (title page, double spaced, references, etc.). Your paper should be a minimum of two pages and include the following components.

  • Identify all aspects and concepts you have learned so far, including this week’s topic, lodging. Include at least three main topics from the 4 weeks we have covered so far for this paper and expound substantially on each of them. Use terms, definitions, concepts, and examples as part of your paper.
  • Share which topic(s) are your favorite. What are you looking forward to as you enter or grow in this industry?
  • Discuss if there is a concept you still want more clarification on or that you want to further expound upon.
  • Finally, include how can your instructor help you have a wonderful learning experience moving forward?
  • topics for the past 3 weeks are: The Experience and Transformational Economy,  The World Travel and Tourism Council and Hospitality Net, You are to select one of the topics below (or topic not listed below and approved by your instructor) and submit a well researched substantial paper.
  • Tourism
  • Lodging
  • Resort management
  • Cruises
  • Food and beverage management
  • Hospitality marketing and sales (including social media)
  • Hospitality finance and accounting
  • Human resources in hospitality
  • Hospitality management company executive
  • Careers in Hospitality

the class is hospality management