Directions: Review the information in “DBA-820 Integrated Case Study” located in the Class Resources for this course. This includes narrative information as well as financial and supporting documentat


Review the information in “DBA-820 Integrated Case Study” located in the Class Resources for this course. This includes narrative information as well as financial and supporting documentation.

Write a paper (750-1,000 words total) that suggests resolutions to the business case presented in “DBA-820 Integrated Business Case.” Include the following in your paper:

  1. A one- or two-sentence summary of the financial issue presented in the case.
  2. A research- and financial analysis-supported discussion with rationales for at least two viable potential resolutions. What financial analyses would you include for each option? Why?  (Reinforces C.1.3: Develop, extend, modify, or apply theories for use in business.)