A number of models have been developed to explain the variety of leadership styles that school administrators need be able to utilize in order to be effective leaders and decision-makers in the ever-changing situations present in schools.  These include Hersey and Blanchard’s (1984) situational leadership, Fiedler’s (1973) Contingency Model, House’s (1973, 1996) Path-Goal Theory, MacGregor’s (1960) Theory X and Theory Y Model, and Burn’s (1978) Transactional/Transformational Model.  Through the use of different types of authority (Weber, 1947), administrators set the climate for the school. 

Decide which model you think most accurately illustrates leadership in your school district.  Interview two administrators/leaders, asking them how they view leadership in your district.  describes that model you chose, tells me why you think it accurately depicts leadership in your district, and discusses whether or not your view of leadership in your district was consistent with the views of the administrators you discussed.