2 part question Part 1. Scroll through the link provided. Then fill out the module 7 guided note sheet attached via media fire https://courses-studentprogress.org/mod/scorm/player.php www.mediafire.co

2 part question

Part 1. Scroll through the link provided. Then fill out the module 7 guided note sheet attached via media fire



Part 2. complete an online module from the IRIS Center that focuses on progress monitoring for either mathematics or reading. Each module consists of a “Challenge” video that introduces the topic, followed by “Initial Thoughts” questions. Then, there are several screens of content that include readings, videos, short activities, and external links. Students will create a document where they will type their responses to the “Initial Thoughts,” “Revisiting Initial Thoughts,” and Assessment” questions. Link for this part of the assignment 

Progress Monitoring: Reading (https://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/module/pmr/)