250-400 wordS Please identify and describe a child developmental concern that a parent may have and discuss how you could support a parent to increase their self-efficacy in this area. Please discuss

250-400 wordS

Please identify and describe a child developmental concern that a parent may have and discuss how you couldĀ support a parent to increase their self-efficacy in this area. Please discuss 2-3 resources that you would recommend to a parent.

Please make sure that your discussion includes this information.

  1. Identify the stage of child development and why you are interested in this age
  2. Identify a key developmental milestone in one of the domains (physical, cognitive, social, or language) and explain why this milestone is important. Explain what behaviors you may see if this was an area of difficulty for a child.
  3. Discuss in appropriate detail 2 to 3 resources or ideas that you would recommend to a parent to help them and how it will be helpful to them.