Chapter 4 Textbook Response Chapter 4 PPT: Reference: Mandinach, E.B., & Jackson, S.S. (2012). Trans

Chapter 4 Textbook Response

Chapter 4 PPT:

Reference: Mandinach, E.B., & Jackson, S.S. (2012). Transforming teaching and learning through data- driven decision-making. Corwin Publishing Co

Dropbox for Chapter 4 Textbook Response

  • After reading Chapter 4, respond to the questions listed on the last slide of the PowerPoint presentation for the chapter.
  • Textbook responses should be typed, 2-3 pages in length, with no spelling, grammatical, or mechanical errors.
  • For clarity, please type and number each question prior to providing your response.
  • Refer to Voice over PowerPoint presentation and Appendix C for assistance in preparing this assignment.

1.      Do you consider yourself proficient in data-driven decision making?  Describe the course work and/or training that you have had that best helped  you to understand how to use data to inform your instruction practices.

2. If you were selected to be the “Data Coach” for your school, what do you see as the challenges  that would be facing you for building capacity in data-driven decision making?

3.      What resources have been provided for you within your school or school district to assist you with making data-driven decisions in regard to teaching and learning?