Understanding the dynamics between prevention and response strategies is an essential part of creating your own classroom management plan. For this week’s discussion, we’ll explore these two approache

Understanding the dynamics between prevention and response strategies is an essential part of creating your own classroom management plan. For this week’s discussion, we’ll explore these two approaches and their impact on creating an effective learning environment. Please respond to the following prompts:

  1. Consider a challenging behavior you might encounter in your future classroom (e.g., constant talking, refusal to participate, disrespect, physical aggression, etc). Describe:

a) 1 preventative strategy you could use to minimize the occurrence of this behavior

b) 1 responsive strategy you would employ if the behavior occurs despite prevention efforts.

Remember to support your responses with examples from your experiences, course materials, or additional research. Be sure to cite any sources that you use to support your writing. 


  • Your initial post should be 300-500 words for each sub-question
  • Cite at least one academic source or course material to support your ideas.