Your final paper will be a research essay. A good research essay takes time to develop. There are many steps. The first step is to select a topic. What is something that is meaningful to you that you

Your final paper will be a research essay. A good research essay takes time to develop. There are many steps. The first step is to select a topic. What is something that is meaningful to you that you would like to know more about? Once you determine your topic, you need to develop keywords for subtopics. These will be the main ideas of your essay. Once you have keywords, you will be able to search in the STU Library for academic journals, ebooks, articles, films, and more to help you research your theme. 

  1. State your topic and keywords for your research essay.- Drug Abuse
  2. Research three articles.- Articles attached
  3. Analyze the articles using the Using Primary Sources Template Download Using Primary Sources Template.- Attached
  4. Discuss your experience navigating the STU library.
    • What were some great aspects of the STU library?-
  • I like that you can search for any topic, and the databases are user-friendly. I also like going in person, using the computers and printers, and asking the staff for help. They are beneficial and willing to help.
    • What were some more difficult aspects of navigating the STU Library?
  • For me, it was that I had not been in school for 24+ years, so I needed a day of exploring to learn some things and feel a little more comfortable. The more I use the Library the better I feel. I don’t feel so lost.
  1. Include three references at the end of your post, one for each source you researched. You do not need to use in-text citations for this discussion post.
  2. Attach your analysis of your primary sources at the end of your post.

Submission Instructions: 

  • Your initial post should be at least 200 words, formatted, and cited in current MLA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.