Dropbox for Chapter 5 Textbook Response After reading Chapter 5, respond to the questions listed on the last slide of the PowerPoint presentation for that chapter. Chapter Five Questions Below are a l

Dropbox for Chapter 5 Textbook Response

After reading Chapter 5, respond to the questions listed on the last slide of the PowerPoint presentation for that chapter.

Chapter Five Questions

Below are a list of hurdles that may impede an educator’s data-driven decision making process. Choose three hurdles below, and discuss how that hurdle has impacted your data-driven decision making process.

·         Time

·         Compensation

·         Ineffective Leadership

·         Little or No Collaboration

·         Too Much Emphasis on Accountability

·         No Vision for Data Use

·         Tests Not Sufficiently Aligned to the Curriculum

·         Resistance from Others

  • Textbook responses should be typed, 2-3 pages in length, with no spelling, grammatical, or mechanical errors.
  • For clarity, please type and number each question prior to providing your response.
  • Refer to Appendix C or Voice over PowerPoint presentation in Week One module for assistance in preparing this assignment.