Principal Interview Principal Interview Questions (75 points) Conduct a personal interview with an acting school principal (preferably the principal of your school). The interview may be conducted

Principal Interview

Principal Interview Questions  (75 points)

 Conduct a personal interview with an acting school principal (preferably the principal of your school).  The interview may be conducted by phone, face-to-face, or through a virtual meeting forum such as Zoom.  An assistant principal is not acceptable for this assignment. 

Provide the principal’s response to each question in the interview template (posted in module 3).   Following the principal’s response to each question, provide your personal reflection of the response(s).  Do not repeat the principal’s response in your reflection, rather, provide your thoughts on the response based on knowledge gleaned through this and other graduate leadership courses. 

Please use the interview template provided and add a cover page when submitting the assignment in Canvas.  You can download the interview template as a Word document and enter your interview responses.