Discussion With the disruptions in technology, business, and social platforms, organizations in most industries feel compelled to implement new initiatives. While these initiatives can help improve


With the disruptions in technology, business, and social platforms, organizations in most industries feel compelled to implement new initiatives. While these initiatives can help improve business processes or customer base, too much change can also create problems for many organizations leading to a dilution of effort and misallocation of resources. Discuss why such initiative overload happens and what can be done to manage multiple change initiatives more effectively.

To earn full credit, post an initial response of 500 words that includes at least one APA citation and the associated reference 


The case Covid-19 Consequences on p. 54 of your textbook sums up the changes Covid-19 has brought upon businesses of all sizes and the strategies organizations have used to manage these changes. After reading this case, choose an organization whose operations were affected by this pandemic—not necessarily your current employer—or choose an affected sector in which you have an interest. Once you have selected your organization, address the following questions:

  • Identify the changes that this organization or sector implemented because of the COVID-19 pandemic, in working practices, customer relationships, and core business models.
  • Which changes were mandatory, and which did it implement on its own initiative?
  • Assess which of these changes were temporary, for the duration of the pandemic, and which would be long lasting.
  • Why is the human resource management function critical in this context?

In your paper, ensure to utilize the textbook and integrate at least three peer-reviewed sources along with their citations and references. Your paper must be APA formatted and include at least 1500 words. Please use the APA 7th Essay Template available in the Supplementary Course Resources>>APA 7th Edition Resources section.