Discussion Board 1: 21st Century Learners/Trends Reference: Kilbane, C. & Milman, N. (2014). Teaching models: Designing instruction for 21st century learner. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. ISBN

Discussion Board 1: 21st Century Learners/Trends

Reference: Kilbane, C. & Milman, N. (2014). Teaching models: Designing instruction for 21st century learner. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. ISBN 978-0-205-60997-

Chapter One provides an overview of 21st century trends and the impact of these trends on education. Briefly describe (1-2 paragraphs) one of these trends, its impact on education, and suggested practices for educators to utilize in striving to meet the changing needs of today’s learners.

Comment on at least two of your colleagues’ posts by Sunday evening. Make sure to include the first name only of the colleague to whom you are responding.

Discussion Board 2: Using Technology for Formative and Summative Assessments   

Describe (1-2 paragraphs) how technology can make assessment more efficient, effective, and engaging? Use and cite references from the reading in the text. Identify and describe an assessment tool, application, etc. utilizing technology that can be used for formative and/or summative assessments. Provide enough information in your description to enable your colleagues to “try out” the technology-based assessment tool. This could include links, websites, etc.

Comment on at least two of your colleagues’ posts by Sunday evening. Remember to place the first name only of the colleague to whom you are responding.

Discussion Board 3: Utilizing Technology Tools for Delivering Instruction  

As you begin the Phase Two of the ADDIE unit, you will be infusing technology into your lesson plans. In this week’s discussion, identify technology tools, applications, etc. that you plan to utilize in your lesson. Describe (1-2 paragraphs) what role the technology tool will play in the delivery of the lesson. For example, will the tool be used to deliver the lesson, provide practice, assess students’ progress, etc.? Provide enough information on this tool so that your colleagues may locate the tool in case they want to try it out for their own lessons.

 Comment on at least two of your colleagues’ posts by Sunday evening. Remember to place the first name only of the colleague to whom you are responding.