During this unit, we focused on the costs and benefits of human resource development (HRD) programs. These programs are often designed to help the entire organization reach its goals, but HR leaders a

During this unit, we focused on the costs and benefits of human resource development (HRD) programs. These programs are often designed to help the entire organization reach its goals, but HR leaders also create these programs to help their department to reach its goals and metrics. For this unit’s assignment, you will create an HRD program for The United States Army (or you may also use a well-known organization of your choosing or create a hypothetical organization for this assignment). Your overview of the program should include the following:

1. Discuss how HRD programs, in general, will help the company to meet its strategic goals.

2. Provide an overview of the HRD program that you have designed for your company.

3. Based on the HRD program and other programs already in place, create a sample plan for talent development in the future. You may choose a specific job or department to focus on for the plan.

4. Estimate the costs and benefits of this HRD program.

5. Explain what the HRD program will teach the employees and how this training is tied to the organization’s success.

6. Use one of the approaches to HRD program decision-making discussed in this unit’s reading to analyze how your HRD program would have an impact on talent development for the employees.

The paper is to be a minimum of three pages in length, not counting the title page, references page, tables, or appendices (deductions will apply if under the minimum length requirement).

Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for al sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

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