This paper is on Girl in Hyacinth Blue. Write a 1 1/2 to 2 page ( double spaced ) paper based on one of the options below. Make sure you identify which option you have chosen. Since this serves as

This paper is on Girl in Hyacinth Blue.  Write a 1 1/2 to 2 page  ( double spaced ) paper based on one of the options below.  Make sure you identify which option you have chosen. Since this serves as your final exam, you will want to submit your best writing.  So, take time to proof read your work and correct your errors as those will impact your grade. 

Option one: On page 204, Pieter says, ” The world doesn’t know all that it needs yet.” but there will come a time when another of your paintings of a woman by a window will provide something.”  Relate this statement to one of the previous short stories in the novella and show how it is proven to be true in the context of the story. Make sure you identify which short story you are using by provding a correctly punctuated title.

Option 2:On page 242, Magdalena ‘s thoughts are such: “She thought of all the people in all the paintings she had seen that day, not just Father’s, in all the paintings of the world, in fact.  Their eyes, the particular turn of  head, their loneliness of suffering or grief was borrowed by an artist to be seen by other people throughout the years who would never see them face to face.  People who would be that close to her, she thought, a matter of a few arms’ length, looking, looking, and they would never know her.” Relate this statement to an explanation of one of the purposes of art.   Make sure to include support from one or more of the short stories in the novella. Make sure you state the TITLE (correctly punctuated) of the short story (ies)  you choose to use as support.