Click the links below to read and view the sources. Then respond to the discussion question. Your response must be at least 300 words and include specific examples, quotations, and paraphrases from both sources to support your answers. Remember to include a question for your classmates to respond to in their comments. Click the link above to read a very brief excerpt from two different witnesses’ accounts of the devastation caused to the Native Americans by an epidemic of a European disease in Mexico City in 1576.Source 2 (Secondary): Massacre at MysticClick the link above to view a clip from a documentary about the Pequot War in New England in 1636. Discussion Question: What were the consequences of the European invasion and colonization of the Americas? Submit your Final Project here. Please upload a Microsoft Word file (.doc or .docx) or a PDF. No other file will be accepted or graded. Reminders:
- It should include another source (book, journal article, documentary or website)
- It must include a References listReminders:
- It should include another source (book, journal article, documentary or website)
- It should be at least 600 words
- It must include APA-style citations and a References list