The objective of this assignment is to research and prepare a paper on a current issue involving casinos and gaming. Course Topics and Considerations The scope of the paper should follow an event or e

The objective of this assignment is to research and prepare a paper on a current issue involving casinos and gaming.

Course Topics and Considerations

The scope of the paper should follow an event or events that are of importance within this field. Some relevant topics that can be chosen are as follows:

Note: If you want to do another topic not listed below, feel free to contact instructor to approve and confirm topic.

  • The development and impact of off shore or riverboat gaming.
  • The current state and development of casinos on a particular American Indian reservation or reservations.
  • The current economic climate and development in Las Vegas Macau, Atlantic City or any other major gaming market.
  • The growth of gaming in Mississippi or any other state with legalized gambling or gaming.
  • The personal economic and social costs of gaming.
  • The growth of online gaming and its legal issues.
  • Crime and gambling.
  • Current issues within local or State gaming issues.
  • The popularity of poker or any other casino game.
  • The popularity of video gaming machines.
  • The future of gaming employment.
  • Asia and Macau or any other international territory as an additional player in the gaming industry and its effects.
  • Corruption in casinos, nationally or internationally.
  • The effects of social media/digital marketing and casinos/gaming overall.
  • The impact of guest retention in casinos and gaming.

You are to select one of the above topics (or topic not listed above and approved by your instructor) and submit a well-thought-out research for the paper.

Things to Consider

  • an intro,
  • a historical aspect of the topic,
  • current conditions,
  • description of the topic and facts,
  • pros and cons of the topic,
  • current challenges, opportunities and positive or negative impact going forward.
  • Add your thoughts as well as facts from your research, terms that you have learned in our course and a conclusion.
  • References are also required.


  • Course Research Paper is due Week 8 and is worth 200 points.
  • There is no specific word count but you will have a range of pages due at the end (see below)
  • Both part of the Course Project should be accompanied by a cover page and APA source citations at the end. 

Course Research Paper—due Week 8

Paper will be structured something like this:

-Cover page

-Table of contents


  • Introduce the course project topic and use your rationale as a part of your intro to explain why you chose this and what you expect to find and learn from this.
  • Use key terms learned throughout this and the rest of your paper

-Topic Main idea

  • Start with a description of the topic, and then move forth towards historical aspects, current trends, pros and cons, date/research. Make sure to apply all research found, using key terms and maybe even aspects discussed in discussions or assignments.


  • Strengths, Weakness Opportunities and Threats

-What have you learned from this?



Keep in mind…

  • Start early! Do not leave everything towards the end. Work gradually/weekly on this. Ask me questions throughout the way.
  • Papers must be at least 8 and not more than 12 pages in length, 12 point font, double spaced, including cover page table of contents and reference page.
  • APA format and citations are required, as are a cover and reference page. Please include at least six solid references.
  • All DeVry University policies are in effect including the plagiarism policy.
  • Papers are due at the end of Week 8

Grading Rubrics

Grading Rubrics Week 8 Final Paper 


Maximum Points

The scope of the paper follows an event or events that are of importance within this area/topic; paper includes a table of contents, an introduction, a SWOT analysis; and strong conclusions.


Papers must be at least 8 and not more than 12 pages in length, 12 point font, double spaced, including cover page table of content and reference page.


APA format and citations are required, as are a cover and reference page. Please include at least six solid references.




Best Practices

Cover Page for each part: Include the course name and number, who you prepared the paper for, your name, and the date.

Body of your report: Use a header titled with the name of your project. Example: “The latest trends in gaming.” Then proceed to break out the main ideas.

State the main ideas: State major points in each idea, and provide evidence. Break out each main idea you will use in the body of your paper. Show some type of division, such as separate sections that are labeled, separate groups of paragraphs, or headers. You should include the information you found during your research and investigation.

Key terms: Use throughout course project.

Work Cited: Use APA format.

Most importantly, have fun with this project.