For an exercise, USE YOUR OWN WORDS. Do NOT copy and paste, or quote, or even heavily paraphrase the words of other people. That includes the books and articles we are reading. This should be your own

For an exercise, USE YOUR OWN WORDS. Do NOT copy and paste, or quote, or even heavily paraphrasethe words of other people. That includes the books and articles we are reading. This should be your ownwork, not a collaborative effort sharing answers among classmates. I want you to show me that youunderstand and can apply the information you have just learned.

Your exercise should consist of about half a page, double spaced, and typed. Use proper businessgrammar. Proofread. Spellcheck. Treat this like a real-world job – you have a task to complete and youearn payment (points) by completing the task.

For your assignment, reflect on everything you have learned and experienced relative to laptops, even ifyou have never owned one before. Find a laptop advertisement – there are gazillions of them on theInternet – and do the following:1. Cut and paste that ad to a Word doc (save it as an image or picture if that helps)2. What aspect of consumer behavior might this laptop ad address? What type of positioning isused? What kinds of claims are being made, and how believable are the claims?3. If there is more than one laptop model in the ad, reflect on the ad and identify what messagingis going on. Is it price, availability, style, quality, weight, etc. that is being touted? How wouldYOU change the ad to be more effective?4. Think like a business manager, not like a consumer, when doing your evaluations. Show me youcan put Babin’s information to good use. Have fun! 

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