
Do you agree with the author’s position about listening? Do you think that listening is anative gift? Explain your answer.

O 2. What do you think the author implies by “talented listening”. What do you think talent is in the first place?
O 3. How can talent be trained?
O 4. What do you think the author means with the phrase: “…one can recognize beauty when one comes upon it…” Make sure to read and analyze the phrase in the context of this particular paragraph.
O 5. Why do you think that the author holds in such high regard the ability of listening?
O 6. The author talks about two requisites for talented listening. Would you be able to identify how much do you have of these two “requisites”? How much of those requisites do you see fulfilled in your own listening experience?
O 7. How do you think the process of listening occurs? From the outside in, inside out?