A Community Decision


You are assigned to work on a seven-person community team concerning a proposed housing project. Two of the committee members have a vested interest in occupying a unit in the new complex. One of these committee members wants to lead the committee.

For phase 1 of the project, your committee must choose a suitable location for the multiple dwellings. Currently the new multiple dwelling housing complex is proposed to be located in a low lying area of town that is only near a high school. Shops are located 5 miles away and there is no public transportation. There was some flooding during a past hurricane which was ten years ago. There is a parcel of land that would be good for this development but the local church as already put a down payment on it and is in the process of drawing up plans. The only other land development option in the town is too costly to put multiple dwellings on. In addition, the dwelling must not exceed a sale price of $100,000 dollars per unit.


1. Do a SWOT analysis to determine the risks and threats to selecting a viable location for the housing complex, and possible opportunities for mitigating the risks.
2. Using the decision-making steps, explain how you addressed each decision-making step, including any team issues below the SWOT table.
3. Provide a possible resolution to the team scenario so that your team can be successful in choosing a location in an ethical manner based on your SWOT analysis.

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