A journal article review

A journal article review is an important course assignment.
See guidelines and detailed instructions bellow. Articles should be from peer-reviewed or scholarly journals and relate to the field of study.

To successfully accomplish the main objectives of this assignment, students will perform a critical, constructive analysis of recently published studies (journal articles) in the healthcare or public health fields through summary, classification, analysis and comparison. A review and critique of the methodological approach and discussion of the applications in the field are expected.

Establishing the Research Context

Once you are reasonably familiar with the article, it is important to gain an understanding of the research context.

Article to be reviewed/critiqued: Instructor will select the main topic. Student will select the subtopic of her/his interest.


Read critically the article. Many journal articles can be quite complex and use complicated wording and statistics. You may need to read the article a few times before you get a full grasp of it.

Note: The Methods section of each article should be carefully review.

Students should address the following topics/sections from the article:

  1. Identify the study design. (10 points)
  2. Report the sample size, power and sampling methods used. (10 points)
  3. Identify the variables (indicators) explored/analyzed in the study.
    1. Independent/Explanatory/Predictor. (Quantitative/Qualitative) (15 points)
    2. Dependent/Response/Outcome. (Quantitative/Qualitative) (15 points)
  4. Construct, based on your article review, two research question(s) related to the study. (15 points)
  5. Include the purpose of the article. (10 points)
  6. Report the most relevant findings. You could also use tables/charts from the article. (10 points)
  7. Analyze and discuss the main implications of the study for Healthcare/Public Health and how
    knowledge in the area could be expanded and applied. (10 points)
  8. Report the journal articles using the American Psychological Association’s (APA) format.
    (5 points)
  9. Submit your summary (assignment) via Canvas on due date. Due date: In Course Syllabus.