An excellent overview paper on Deep Learning was published in the Nature. The 

authors, Yann LeCun, Yoshua Bengio, and Geoffrey Hinton, are pioneers and leading scientists 

in Deep Learning field.  Yann LeCun, Yoshua Bengio, and Geoffrey Hinton. Deep learning., Nature 521.7553, 436-444. (2015)

You can access the paper through 


Read the paper and answer the following questions. Do not just write down (copy and paste) the contents of the paper. You should write in your own understanding.You can focus on sections of Convolutional neural networks and Image understanding with 

deep convolutional networks. 

1. What is the role of Convolutional layer?

2. Why do we need more than one filer?

3. What is the role of pooling layer?

4. How local combinations of edges, motifs, parts, objects are related in a hierarchy of 


5. What are major successful application areas of CNN?

6. Why CNN is so successful?