About my career choice which is a registered nurse

An introduction giving a quick synopsis of your paper
A conclusion summarizing your main points
Description of the career
Education requirements
Salary & benefits
Employment opportunities
Advancement options if any
Job satisfaction
10 interview questions that you would ask someone that is either working in this career or is a student working towards this career.
A thorough explanation of why you are interested in this career.
Discuss what brought you to write about this particular career.
You may include your own personal stories or stories of someone you admire that has this type of job.  Get creative!


This paper should be completed in Microsoft Word or google docs and be double-spaced using 12-point Times New Roman font and APA style guidelines throughout. The paper should be at least 1500 words (around 5-6 pages), not including the title page and references page. The references page should include a minimum of 5 APA-cited references utilizing at least 2 scholarly sources and at least 3 credible online resources.